





Media Coverage

Mr. Manoj Kotak

About Manoj Kotak

Techie, founder, first-generation entrepreneur, consultant and a digital thought leader, Manoj Kotak wears many hats. With over three decades of multifarious experience & an international exposure, he is among Mumbai's first few Internet entrepreneurs.
  • Interacted with 400 delegates from 60 countries
  • Author of a book "Kotak's No-nonsense digital marketing"
  • Represented INDIAN IT Industry as part of Indian delegates to 18+ countries
  • 100+ Sessions training 10000+ businesses in 18 Cities all over INDIA.
Active member of India’s largest Electronics and IT trade facilitation organisation with an export performance of
US$ 200 million by all its members.


Gave Mumbai its first taste of the Internet by launching one of the few Bulletin Board Services.

Pioneer in ready-to-use website designs and printing templates, which were used by 10,000+ web designers and 5,000+ print designers globally.

One of the first to bring web-to-print technology for digital and offset printing companies all over the world www.flexiweb2print.com

Launched one of the first online printing company for the Indian market. Fulfilled 40,000+ retail orders across India. www.flexiprint.in

Launched the first-of-its-kind mission in India – the mission of no selling only knowledge. "Kotak's No-Nonsense Digital Marketing" to educate India on the pros and cons of the digital way of business. Traveled across 15 cities to deliver hundreds of formal and informal sessions.

Launched several innovative online products for the Indian market to get SMEs the same quality like MNCs, but even for smaller volumes.

Introduced online packaging boxes for shop owners www.flexiprint.in/plain-boxes.html

Launched online ordering of coloured / black and white bill books after the announcement of GST. www.flexiprint.in/coloured-bill-book.html

Media Coverage

best digital marketing book

About Author

For advertisers, the world has undergone a complete transformation. In fact, it transforms every five years. Once upon a time, your target audience was only reading newspapers or listening to the radio, but today they are spoilt for choice. They have an unending range of options to choose from and we are all waging a digital war to get the attention of this consumer… even while we know all too well that their loyalties are fickle.

The deluge is not just limited to the communication mediums. Even the devices are changing rapidly. From big to small and from desktops to laptops, tablets, handheld devices, and smartphones, the fast-changing hardware landscape multiplies the complexity for advertisers.

E-commerce is now the new mantra for exponential growth. Digital and internet marketing throw-up several challenges, and as a brand manager/ owner/ marketing manager, you need to be aware of all of these.

There is where my book comes as a source of relevant information for you.


Outside his business ventures, Manoj is a proactive industry champion. He has authored hundreds of articles on digital marketing and web-to-print technology. He also writes on BBS, web designing, e-commerce, software compliance, open source, social media marketing, and online printing. Check his personal blog @ https://www.kotak.co.in/


Image Online Pvt. Ltd
Flexi Print
Flexi Web 2 Print

Get in Touch

In case you need to reach out to me, for your questions on digital marketing, social media marketing, SEO, online promotions, or any other topics related to promoting your products and services on the Internet

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